0.01美元试用Hostgator VPS1一个月
对于Hostgator,闲吧认为大家都还熟悉,Hostgator是Brent Oxley在其佛罗里达大西洋大学的宿舍里创立的公司,短短的几年时间,Hostgator得到了高速的发展,现已运营并管理超过7000台的服务器,拥有全球大量的的客户群,为全球170个国家的客户提供主机服务。上年,Hostgator也推出过0.01美元,即一美分购买虚拟主机的优惠码,2011年的三月,Hostgator在极力的推它们家的VPS,闲吧资源站在全球主机交流论坛看到其发表VPS1优惠码,使用一个月的VPS1 只有0.01美元,真便宜啊,有兴趣的童鞋门可以去看看,应该还是很不错的。而且官方称,到一个月是可以取消,然后优惠码又可用,哈哈,Hostgator VPS优惠码信息如下:
优惠内容:购买VPS1 1个月仅需1美分
Thank you for your order with HostGator.com!
In order for us to setup your account, we will need you to call in and verify your billing information.
If you are unable to call us, you can instead respond to this ticket with a scanned copy of a Photo ID such as a passport, or drivers license. In addition to a photo ID, please include a scanned copy of the credit card that was used in your account purchase (assuming you purchased a hosting account with a credit card). For security purposes you can mask off all the digits of the card number except for the last 4 digits.
Please provide us with the above requested information at your earliest convenience to ensure that your account with HostGator is setup as soon as possible.
Toll-free: 1-866-96-GATOR, extension 1010
International: 001-713-574-5287
We are available 24/7, so please feel free to call us at your convenience. We apologize for any inconveniences that may result from this process.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
HostGator.com Sales Team
Customer ID: 829411
Thank you for your order with HostGator.com!
In order for us to setup your account, we will need you to call in and verify your billing information.
If you are unable to call us, you can instead respond to this ticket with a scanned copy of a Photo ID such as a passport, or drivers license. In addition to a photo ID, please include a scanned copy of the credit card that was used in your account purchase (assuming you purchased a hosting account with a credit card). For security purposes you can mask off all the digits of the card number except for the last 4 digits.
Please provide us with the above requested information at your earliest convenience to ensure that your account with HostGator is setup as soon as possible.
Toll-free: 1-866-96-GATOR, extension 1010
International: 001-713-574-5287
We are available 24/7, so please feel free to call us at your convenience. We apologize for any inconveniences that may result from this process.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
HostGator.com Sales Team
Customer ID: 829411