Hawk Host – Boxing Day推出2折优惠码
Hawk Host相比大家都很熟悉,国人最喜欢的美国虚拟主机之一,也被国人称之为老鹰主机。在Boxing Day期间,Hawk Host再度放出和黑色星期五同样的折扣促销,虚拟主机最高可享受2折优惠,相当的给力。
不过,Hawk Host此次Boxing Day促销,其最高级别虚拟主机super hosting plan方案才能享受8折,这样一来super hosting plan原价129.48美元,优惠后只需25.90美元,折合RMB才一百几十块钱,相当的超值啊。另外就是55折优惠码了,也算给力。闲吧推荐大家购买super hosting plan方案,无限空间、无限域名绑定等,好用。好了,不多说了,闲吧给出Hawk Host此次Boxing Day优惠码信息:
Shared Hosting
80% off super shared hosting package for the first year using the coupon boxing2011super (Regular Price: $129.48, Black Friday Price: $25.90)
55% off the first payment on all shared hosting accounts using the coupon 55boxing2011
Reseller Hosting
35% off recurring on all reseller accounts for Dallas and Seattle using the coupon boxing2011r35percent
55% off the first payment on all reseller accounts for Dallas and Seattle using the coupon boxing2011r55percent
Starting at 12:00am CST December 26th (GMT-6) and ending at 11:59pm CST (GMT-6),有兴趣的自行关注吧。优惠码已经生效,大家别错过了.
想了解更多到Hawk Host官方吧:http://www.hawkhost.com/