GoDaddy最新优惠码 注册.COM等只需0.99美元 2012年6月27日
GoDaddy 2012年6月27日消息,GoDaddy 0.99美元神码又来了。上次GoDaddy的0.99美元域名优惠码是6月16日发布的,没想到还没过半个月,GoDaddy再度放出0.99美元的域名新注册优惠码,真是给力啊!还等神马,赶紧去注册自己心仪的域名吧,只需0.99美元。
再度提醒,GoDaddy的超级优惠码只能信用卡,gift及PP等是无法付款的。当然实在没信用卡的朋友可以考虑去淘宝购买虚拟信用卡进行购买,当然也有不少人做GoDaddy 域名优惠的代购服务,大家也是可以考虑的。不扯了,给优惠码信息:
优惠内容:新注册.COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK and .IN域名,首年只需0.99美元。
Register any new domain (.COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK and .IN) for just $0.99* Use code: getfit99
Register any new .com, .us, .mobi, .biz, .net, .org, .ca,, and .in for just $0.99*. Plus ICANN fee of $0.18 per domain per year for .com, .mobi, .biz, .net, and .org. Discount applies to the first year only of one new registration. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, sale, discount or promotion. Limited to one order per customer, expiring after 10,000 discount redemptions or at 11:59 PM PST on 7/31/2012 (whichever comes first). Customers may not use gift cards, PayPal® or AliPay to redeem this offer.
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